
To provide education and training,  through   low cost and sustainable technologies, for  improving  Health and Nutrition, Agriculture, Livelihoods and Ecology.


To provide life and livelihood enhancing education in the fields of

Health & Nutrition

Health – Information on causes, prevention and cure   of nutrition-deficiency anaemia.

Nutrition – need for balanced diets, sources of nutrients, organic production of diverse, safe and nutritious vegetables and fruits in kitchen gardens or in a part of the farm.

Agriculture – principles and practices of agro-ecology, such as compost making, non pesticidal management of pests, on-farm bio pesticide manufacture, integrated farming systems , rain water harvesting etc.

Livelihoods – activities such as seed propagation and marketing; food preservation, processing and marketing, and other  Income generating opportunities.

Ecology – knowledge of the web of life consisting of different species, their relationships with humans, and the linkage between ecological and economic sustainability.